DOUBLE CROSS is a gritty and chilling alternative-history comic book set in the events leading up to the 1936 Berlin Olympics and ultimately World War 2. It follows the story of a German spy, Garrett Spears, as he witnesses firsthand Hitler's rise to power and realizes the abhorrent effect it will soon have upon the world. Garrett and Hitler's lives soon become dangerously intertwined in a thrilling cat-and-mouse game of spies and warfare - complicated further by the arrival of a mysterious alien bearing strange gifts...
Double Cross #1
Meet our protagonist, Garrett Spears, a German intelligence agent in the 1930s who turns on his country during the rise of Nazi Germany. Relentlessly pursued by his former spy agency and the Nazis, Garrett becomes entangled in a web of war, Olympic games, and supernatural espionage when a mysterious alien arrives bearing gifts.
XX1 Interior pages
XX3 Interior pages
"Like many first issues, Double Cross# 1 is all set up, but if the goal of such first issues is to make one want to come back for more, Sexton and Krekeler have succeeded admirably."
"Series illustrator Ken Krekeler’s art is just terrific, and really brings the story to life. It is evocative of certain DC/Marvel artists whilst still offering a unique freshness as well."
Night Terror Novels